Hi all,
today I will write about quick campaigns and how we can create them and use it in Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011.
First we need to define what is campaign. Campaign is list of steps that enable user to create and manage marketing efforts. In Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 we can distinct two types of marketing campaigns:
- Campaign – can have multiple marketing lists and can have multiple campaign activities
- Quick Campaign – works with single marketing lists and can have only one campaign activities
You see that quick campaign is simplified version of campaign.
To create quick campaign you must select few records from your CRM – you can choose marketing lists, leads, accounts or contacts.
For this post I choose to work with two accounts (Picture 1).
Picture 1
When you click on Quick Campaign button you will get drop down menu with three options:
For selected records – create quick campaign for selected records
For all records on current page – create quick campaign for records on page that is shown in CRM
For all records on all pages – create quick campaign for all records (for example: If we are on accounts records this option will create quick campaign for all accounts)
I choose for selected records.
and than you will get the new window (Picture 2)
Picture 2
Just click next.
Now we must specify the name for quick campaign and then click next (Picture 3).
Picture 3
now you must choose an activity type and user who will be owner of the activity and who will get the result of activity. Also we choose e-mail activity so we have another option to automatically send and close the e-mail activity (Picture 4). Click on the next button.
Picture 4
because we select the E-mail we get E-mail form where we must enter the e-mail information. Only information that we can manually enter is Subject because other information CRM fetch from account records. Also if we have e-mail template we can put check mark on the left side of Use template and then clicking on the browse button choose our template. Also we can enter body of e-mail in big text box bellow regarding (Picture 5). Click next.
Picture 5
in the final step the Dynamics CRM 2011 choices that we made in previous steps. If all fields are properly filed click on button create. (Picture 6)
Picture 6
now to see our created quick campaign go to marketing->quick campaign (Picture 7)
Picture 7
and then click on Quick Campaign name on the grid and you will get new window. (Picture 8) You can see quick campaign details such as e-mail messages that are created, campaign responses, accounts that are used for this quick campaign and which accounts are excluded and why.
Picture 8
That’s all for today. In the next blog post about Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 I will show you how to create and work with normal marketing campaign.
Tags: Dynamics CRM Marketing Campaign